Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Dated: 2009.12.16

Posted by Rich Wheadon Permalink

The 2009 Tree Team

Here we are into the christmas season and the hectic has just notched up a level or two. Rich has gone a little WOOT! and 1 Sale a day crazy. Amazon is a big part of the shopping season this year and for a fabulous first we have sent some gifts through Costco Online. Jodi has spent untold hours combing the malls while Rebekah makes hasty retreats to grandma Ruth’s house.

After missing a couple years decorating the weeping cherry tree out front we found out it has outgrown our christmas lights by about 6 150 light strands… Rich will be busy at least one more weekend getting the outside finished. What a shame it will come back down in a couple weeks (but the place will look nice for Santa’s arrival.) With over 64 inches of rain in metro Atlanta this year we hope Santa’s sleigh won’t trench the yard!

This year the California Wheadons, Georgia Wheadons, Georgia Conrads, Georgia Kings, and several neices & nephews met at Provino’s in Roswell for a little reunion. Most of us had not seen each other in many years. Nothing like good food and family during the holidays!

Today Rebekah and Jodi get set free from school until 2010 arrives. Rich will have a few days off, but basically gets jipped (that’s okay though since he spent half of the Wheadon estate on a Woot-Off).

Solomon and Jewel are just as enjoyable as ever. Jewel is a 75 pound bundle of insistent love and Solomon is just as sweet as ever, though he is losing his eyesight and hearing these days (yet somehow responds quickly to the word “treat”).