The World Is Green Again

Pollen count 5000+.

Dated: 2010.04.07

Posted by Rich Wheadon Permalink

Since “very high” pollen counts are 120+ then 5000+ must be absolute misery. But this marks the entry of full fledged spring and that is a welcome change. The weeping cherry tree that graces our front yard has been in full bloom and just as beautiful as ever.
Cherry Blossoms

One day while Rebekah and I were driving back home from a church event we noticed this REALLY big tree in the distance and decided to track it down. As we wound our way through various neighborhoods we began to realize the tree was just down the street from our house while our search had started miles away. When at last we arrived at the monolithic elder of the forest we discovered it was synthetic! Kudos go to the company that constructed the tower, whether under duress or not.

Arriving home I realized that in the same week at&t had constructed a tower within 1000 feet of my house that truly represents the cold ugly trash most utilities push out… a big silver obtrusive cell tower that looks the part we are most used to seeing erected. I despise the appearance of that silver tower just as much as I do at&t. The only saving grace to the tower is my 75 foot sweetgum tree that will block the lower portion of at&t’s latest stunt.

Tree Tower